The imaginative storm writing workshop with American poet & storyteller - James Navé

LKB Associates sponsors poet, storyteller, mentor ad manuscript coach, James Navé in Paris

May 6th & 7th 2022

The Imaginative Storm Writing and Publishing Seminar

“Do you have a story to tell or a book you'd like to write? Well then, this seminar will work for you. In this Imaginative Storm Writing and Publishing Seminar, you'll spin the kaleidoscope of your mind while you let your imagination lead the creative writing dance with your rational mind. 

Your Imaginative Storm writing during this workshop will be orderly, disorderly, stormy, messy, surprising, perfect, and imperfect. You'll free yourself from having to always "get it right," which means your odds of writing content that will please you and your readers go up dramatically.   

You will be given practical tips on how you can turn your ideas into published books. You will address questions like self-publishing, finding an agent, blogging, podcasting, social media, and platform building”.  

James Navé

 Who is the workshop for?

·         Anyone who enjoys getting intouch with their imaginative selves

·         Anyone who enjoys writing

·         Anyone who wants to get better at writing

·         Anyone who wants to give birth to a book.


What will you learn?

You will learn to draw on your own life experience, which is useful for memoir, poetry, and fiction (since a novelist's richest source of material is often their own life). Writers of blogs, journalism, and history will learn to give their writing verve and energy. Cookbook and gardening writers will find ways to bring their material alive with personal stories.


And in addition

The seminar will cover the steps you must take to turn your ideas into a published book. Questions like self-publishing, finding an agent, blogging, podcasting, social media, and platform building will be addressed. Lynne Burney will share her recent experience of the writing and publishing of her book, “Four Years – Three Seasons – Ten Days” a journey to the tomb of the saint in Santiago northwest Spain.

“The creative journey was almost as long but just as interesting”.

Lynne Burney




Place: Crealyde, 6 Place Adolphe Max, 75009 PARIS (Metro Place Clichy)

 How much?

300€ HT

About James Navé:

James Navé has presented well over 10,000 shows and workshops as a poet, spoken word artist, manuscript coach, and storyteller. He holds an MFA in Poetry from Vermont College of Fine Arts and a BA in International Relations from UNCA. His two companies, The Imaginative Storm for Writers ( and Twice 5 Miles Publishing ( teach writers how to let their imaginative minds lead the creative writing dance with their rational minds. James co-founded The Artist's Way Creativity Camp in partnership with Julia Cameron, author of the perennially bestselling guide to creativity, "The Artist's Way." He has taught Imaginative Storm writing, creativity, performance poetry, and public speaking worldwide. As co-founder of the landmark performance company, Poetry Alive!, he memorized over 600 poems and has performed shows and workshops in the United States and International Schools throughout West Africa, Asia, South America, and Europe. In addition, he has a weekly radio show, Twice 5 Miles Radio - Podcast (, which airs on WPVMFM-Asheville, NC and KECIFM-Taos, NM.  

His latest book of poems, The 100 Days, will be published by 3: A Taos Press in late 2022.

The Workshop Program:

 Friday 6th

 10h-10h15 - Introductions 

 10h15-12h - Storming the Kaleidoscope of Your Mind

Hot-wire the connection between your imagination and your pen. Mix metaphors. Create chimeras—zap zebras. Language is your sandbox.  

12h-13h - Let Rant!

What infuriates you? What do you love passionately? When you don't say what you really mean, what do you really want to say?

Stop being so damn polite. Rant!

13h-14h30 - Lunch 

 14h30-15h - Download time

What do you know now? What don’t you know yet? What happens next?

 15h-16:30 h—From Your Book Idea to Your Published Book

  • What exactly are the steps involved in getting your idea from your head to the page and on to editing and publishing?

  • Why exactly do you want to publish your book?

  • What would the added value be of working with a manuscript coach and/or mentor?

  • What does your time frame and willingness to invest look like?

  • How do you test your book idea?

  • How do you cultivate a creative support system?  

 16:30h-17h30 — Generating more material, next steps, Q & A, Closing remarks

Saturday 7th

 10h-11h - Upload time – Readings from the group

Both Lynne and James will read a small section of their respective upcoming publications. Participants will be invited to read from any of their in-progress works or already published works. Group appreciation process.

11h-12h - Common Senses

Your body is the basis for all your experiences. Speak with your senses, and your writing pulses with authenticity. Explore the rarer senses, and fresh perspectives emerge.

 12h-13h - Go There

Everything happens somewhere, and every somewhere is filled with sensory detail. How do you make a place real on the page? How do you infuse it with emotional resonance? How do you make a setting, and the objects in it, serve your story?

13h-14h - Lunch 

14h-15h - Socialese

Socialese is a language we all speak: the unarticulated language of human communication. Because we're so fluent in it, we rarely think about it. Yet it shapes every moment of our communal lives.

 15h-16h—There’s No Story If Nothing Changes

All writing tells a story, but what turns a sequence of events into a story? What’s a beginning? What’s an ending? What gives a story momentum? What makes it build to a satisfying climax?

 16:00h-17h— Outstanding business, questions and closing remarks. 

Bring your ideas.

Bring your pen and paper.

Bring your friends.